Friday, April 13, 2012

WebQuest Book Report

Webquest Book Report

Using, you will create a WebQuest for your outside reading book. A WebQuest is a form of inquiry, where the participant is directed to different websites to gain information about the topic.
• Go to
• Create a FREE account. Use your first and last name as your user name with a space between the two (ex: Karen Larson). Use your first and last names as your password (ex: KarenLarson).
• Click on “Create WebQuest” and follow the prompts.
• The left side of the page has tabs with Title, Introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation and Conclusion. Each tab includes prompts with ideas for what you can include on the page.
• Introduction: Write a brief summary of your book. Remember to use your own words!! Include a picture.
• Task: Describe what you want the user to learn. Include a picture.
• Process: The actual questions (list at least five questions) and the websites (list at least three CREDIBLE websites). Include a picture.
• Evaluation: Ask a question that will help evaluate how well the user should understand the material. Use questions that begin with “How” and “What,” rather than “Do.” You want your question to be thoughtfully answered, not answered with a “yes” or “no.” Include a picture.
• Conclusion: Your final thoughts on the novel. Assess the strengths and weaknesses. Must be at least one paragraph (150 words). Include a picture.
• Email to by _____________________________________.

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