Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Argumentative Essay Checklist


Argumentative Essay Checklist

Opening Paragraph
 General sentence introducing the topic, also called a “hook”
 Outside example of topic (NOT anything about Hamlet! Think books, movies, political events, news stories, etc.)
 Transition from outside example to Hamlet
 Two part thesis statement (must be arguable, supportable and specific. Do not write “Hamlet kills lots of people, including Polonius and Laertes.” Thesis statement must be underlined.

First Body Paragraph
 Topic sentence about the thesis position
 Transition to first point of thesis (who, where, what, when)
 1st concrete detail from Hamlet. Must be embedded in the sentence and include a lead-out.
 Underline CD and include act and scene numbers (ex: IV, iii, 132-133)
 Include a MINIMUM of two sentences of commentary. Commentary is interpretation or explanation of the CD and IS NOT summary!!
 Transition to second point of thesis (who, where, what, when)
 2nd concrete detail from Hamlet. Must be embedded in the sentence and include a lead-out.
 Underline CD and include act and scene numbers.
 Include a MINIMUM of two sentences of commentary, NOT summary!
 Concluding sentence

Second Body Paragraph
 Topic sentence about the thesis position
 Transition to outside source (CD). Tell who said it OR the title of the article/website. (ex: Harvard professor, Dr. David Neiman, explains, “Ophelia was a product of her time” and that it wasn’t her fault she was suicidal (32).
 Commentary (minimum of two sentences)
 Transition to second outside source (see above)
 Commentary
 Concluding sentence

Third Body Paragraph
 Topic sentence
 Counter argument – can use an outside source for this. If so, it needs to be embedded and contain a parenthetical citation.
 Refutation – can use an outside source for this. There needs to be ONE outside source (minimum) for this paragraph with detailed explanation.
 Concluding sentence

Closing Paragraph
 Restate thesis and summarize claims. Do not just cut and paste your thesis/arguments here.
 Universalize – why do we care about this topic? What does it have to do with our current lives? Do NOT use sweeping statements, i.e., “If Hamlet had only had a true friend none of this tragedy would have occurred.” Or “We should all be friendly to everyone.”
 Clinching sentence – sums everything up in a powerful closing sentence.

Works Cited Page
 Is on its own page
 Title says Works Cited. Nothing else.
 Includes Hamlet as a source
 Contains three other sources that are academically sound
 Is alphabetized
 Is double-spaced
 Left hanging margin on first line of each source. Additional lines are indented five spaces.
 Double-check format of each source. You are accountable for the correct format. If you have questions, ask before the essay is due.

 Cover sheet with original, creative title, your name, date and period. Must be typed.
 Final essay
 Works Cited page
 Edited rough draft
 Peer edit sheet with name of peer editor
 3 Research Logs

 Use third person throughout the essay
 Document your sources correctly
 Include a Works Cited page
 Underline thesis and all CDs
 Do not include questions in the essay

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